Acceptance in April

Sabriya Mutize, NCC, LCMHC


Today is April 1, 2023. It is Autism Acceptance Day, so I have been reflecting on the work acceptance all day. defines acceptance as favorable reception or approval. Do you accept who you are without judgement, regret or shame? Do you approve of how you show up in the world? Are you happy with your authentic self? Having favorable approval of who you are and how you show up impact your future self. Love you you for who you are and where you are. I know that sounds simple. I also know there are small steps you can take to begin loving you. For the month of April, shower yourself with love:

  • Positive affirmations - find positive things about you and practice saying them daily

  • Mindfulness - notice when you are self critical and be intentional to stop or reframe negative thought patterns

  • Intentional habits - create routines to help you cultivate a life of gratitude

  • Self care - practice things that make you feel happy, relaxed, and whole

  • Spirituality - spend time daily engaging in spiritual practices

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